Direction by Brendan Duggan

Experience Design by Zach Martens

Produced by Parker Murphy

Written and choreographed in collaboration with the performers

Set Design by Maya Linke

Lighting Design by Jaron Kent

Sound Design by Nicholas Caputo

Costume Design by Atelier Abene


Stage Managers - Emily Jane McKillop and Rain Young

Assistant Stage Manager Haley Barth

Marketing Management by Amber Blais

Set Fabrication by Ari Mayer and Parker Murphy

Neon Design and Installation by JJ Bebout / Neon Dad

Metal fabrication by Mitch Hoffman

Master Electrician by Zach Martens

“The Betterest-Best” (The BANR Song) written by John William Watkins

Original cast: Joe Davis, Alicia Delgadillo, Lindsey Matheis, John William Watkins, and Ching Ching Wong

Special thanks to Ari Mayer, Jalana Sloatman, Amber Blais, Cait Fuoco, Christine Woods, Patrick Mueller, Jae Day, David Marcucci and the countless volunteers who helped bring From on High to life.


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